En este tomo podremos encontrar reunidos nueve libros distintos de la escritora, entre ellos: El ojo de la creacion, Cantos treinta de otoño, La memoria del aire, La pausa figurada, Vilano al viento, Conato de extranjeria, La tregua de la inocencia, La sa
In Rompeolas, Angelina Muiz Huberman reflects on identity, memory, loneliness, lost and love, all from her unique perspective as a permanent outsider. Her work shows the thoughts of an exile and the sense of emptiness always laying behind her actions. The author finally discovers who she is through poetry. Poetry reflects her individual identity and the conflict that arises when she attempts to relate with everything foreign to her. Loneliness and death become the answers to her eternal questions, which she finds as a traveler who never finds a place to rest.